
Tuesday, October 20, 2020

novel studying

 Hello, my name is Sita and today I wrote my top 5 list of the most important part of my story and also wrote why. 


top 5 list


1. The owner of the farmer wanted to kill the pig for Christmas for her husband. 

2. The sheep likes babe (pig) very much because he's polite and clever. 

3. Fly (sheepdog) has four children that are kinda mean who went to another village to work with the owner. 

4. The sheep only listen to babe cause he doesn't call sheep stupid. 

5. The owner decided not to kill the pig because he chased away the dogs and two men. 

I chose these 5 facts because it's actually only the fact that I remember.

Wednesday, October 14, 2020

Novel study


hello, readers today I was assigned to do a task about a book I read, first, I had to choose a task to do the second thing is  I had to write about what the task told me to write thirdly I had to check my punctuation and spelling. 



What impression do you get from the front cover?  What can you infer about the book?

When I first saw the cover of the book my impression was confused cause the pig was only on one of the side and the rest of the animals was n the other sode of the book.

The pig since hes the only one on one side or maybe its about the animals bullying the pig and not giving him a secound chance.

I predict the book will be about……..